Who Cares: The Workman’s Magazine dedicated to the workers of King’s Cross

‘Who Cares’ had an incredibly collaborative nature. Therefore, I wanted the publication to be accessible to all of those who participated in the project’s creation. 

Book Binding

This book was made through the process of a perfect bind. This involved assembling the signatures and trimming them prior to the cover attachment to ensure a clean edge. Subsequently, a flexible adhesive was used in order to attach the soft-back cover to the spine of the assembled signatures.

A Workman’s Magazine 

The publication explores the ‘Who Cares’ project, as well as, the average city workman’s culture – their ideologies of care, dignity and comfort. These pages explore the city through the perspective of the migrant maintenance worker: their secret spaces of rest, their methods of memory and their migration and care routes. It also showcases multiple moments of community engagement and collaboration such as conversations and how these conversations evolved into bespoke designs centred around their needs. The graphics throughout this book illustrate various characteristics and influences by the workers, this book also represents my passion and enjoyment for graphically communicating alternative perspectives. 

The visual communication was inspired by moments of engagement with each worker who collaborated with me throughout this project.


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