125 London Wall



125, London Wall | 1980.



125, London Wall | present.

The Brief & Location. 

The project, located at 125 London Wall, focuses on the office, retail and public walkway elements of the property. The asset was built in 1992 and designed by Sir Terry Farrell. It is held on a long leasehold from The City of London who are the freeholder.

This competitions brief calls for original ideas to re-position the property. In particular, the response shall consider the following:

1/ Entry improvements along the street presence
2/ Podium flow & use improvements
3/ Multiple dedicated entrance opportunities.
4/ Reconfiguration opportunities to improve particular floors.
5/ Visibility of outside spaces.
6/ Flexibility of use.
7/ Next generation cycling & wellness amenities.
8/ Minimize excessive costs & structural interventions unless commercially justifiable.
9/ Excellent targets for BREEAM & WELL certification, and low embodied carbon benefits.
10/ Lower project rise & project duration will be positive. 

Historic Site Research Overview

The site is located between two historic streets – Monkwell St & Wood St.

Facing the site across from Monkwell Square, named after the ‘lost’ Monkwell street sits Barber-Surgeon’s Hall. A building existing in the same location since 1441, having suffered destruction from the Great fire of London & WWII. The site is also part of a wider ‘Pedway’ network – a post-war plan to provide relief from the busy vehicular streets and create efficient connections between financial hubs. Lee House, a 16-storey podium block, was demolished only 16 years after being built to give way to the current building – Lee Tower & the Air Rights Tower designer by Sir Terry Farrell. 

The Design Process

125, London Wall | Existing.
125, London Wall | Proposed.

Competition Outcome 

All the imagery shown for this competition was executed by a team of three: an associate architect, Shireen Han, an architect, Ignacio Fernandez, and myself. For this competition our team came in 2nd place.


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